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Pink Ladies Escorts Punter Check

Pink Ladies Escorts as an agency makes use of the National Ugly Mugs (NUM) scheme to check punters as part of our ongoing commitment to keep our Escorts as safe as possible.

In addition to the Ugly Mugs scheme, we have also started our own local punter checking system which can be easily checked by other local agencies and independent Escorts.

How to run a check

Running a check is very simple, and all you need is a punter's telephone number.

Simply start typing the punter's number into the box below and we will check to see if any telephone numbers have already been entered into our system matching the one you're typing in.

If a telephone number is found to match, you can either accept that there is a reason why that number has been recorded in our system, or you can log in to view the details of why the number was recorded in our system, or you can call us to discuss it.

Please note: for privacy reasons the details of any report(s) relating to any matching numbers will only be available to registered users. If you do not wish to register for this service you are always welcome to contact us with the full number and we will run the check for you.

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By using this facility you are agreeing to our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions

Log in

Log in to view the details relating to the number you entered.

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You must register with a valid email address before you can view the details relating to the number you entered.

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Password note and disclaimer:
Passwords should be between 6 and 25 characters, contain at least 1 letter, at least 1 number, and at least 1 of the following characters -\.,()*+:_$&@#?{}~^!%
Please use a unique password which you do not use anywhere else - this is to protect your online security everywhere else as this system does not use certified encryption. Once logged in there is no "account access" and none of your personally identifiable details are available to view or change. To change any of your details or change your password, please either create a new account, or contact us.

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