PLEASE NOTE: due to popular demand we now provide 15 minute bookings for £50! For details, please see our Escort Rates page...

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Pink Ladies Escorts Terms & Conditions

The information below relates to the rights of our Escorts and Companions, descibes the terms of our agency service, clarifies our stance on the services provided by our Escorts/Companions, covers what happens if these terms are now complied with, and provides details of our website usage terms.

The Pink Ladies Escort/Companion Service and
the Rights of the Escorts/Companions

All the girls registered with us are professional escorts and companions of legal age, all of whom are strictly over the age of 18 and are free to accept or reject any appointment or client at their own discretion.

Pink Ladies Escorts do not work with any girls under the age of 18 years, nor do we entertain any clients under the age of 18 years. This point is emphasised and repeated several times throughout these terms and conditions.

Fees paid to the girls are for their time, friendship and companionship only. The girls are not bodies for the purpose of sexual gratification.

Anything implied or inferred within the pages on our website is not to be taken as inducement for payment for anything other than time and companionship, and nothing should be taken by you to imply that you are paying for a sexual service by meeting any of our girls.

Any fantasy scenarios contained on our website are purely that; they do not constitute any form of contractual obligation. Anything else that takes place is a matter of personal choice between two or more consenting adults of legal age and is not included in the fees we charge.

The friendship/companionship offered by the girls during the allocated time you are paying for may include an intimate dinner date, watching a movie or TV, sharing conversation or other such activity. These activities may take place at a safe and discrete pre-allocated location (Incalls), or may take place at a public venue, such as a social gathering, restaurant etc (Outcalls). AT ALL TIMES the safety of the girls is paramount, and exact locations and times must be discussed and agreed with us beforehand.

The girls' profiles all include some of the girls favourite drinks, food and other likes/dislikes. Please try to keep this information in mind on dinner dates etc.

All clients MUST BE of legal age, over the age of 18. And the girls are bound to request proof of age or else reject any client whose apperance, behaviour or demeanour gives rise to doubt as to their being of legal age.

As always, if a girl has any doubts whatsoever she will remove herself from the situation and no refund will be given to the client - so please make sure you have the utmost respect for the girls and you will not be disappointed.

Escort Disclaimer

Pink Ladies Escorts do not offer any illegal services whatsoever. Payments to our professional Escorts in Gateshead and Newcastle are for time, friendship and companionship only.

Whatever else happens between two consensual adults, as defined by UK Law, is strictly a personal matter between them, and them only, and is not included in our fees.

Whatever happens during your time with the Escort is also confidential and should always stay between you and the Escort involved. Except in circumstances where an Escort has been subjected to abuse, whether physical, mental or emotional etc.††

Should a problem arise we will always err on the side of the Escort initially but will mediate fairly and equally where necessary.

Once payment has been made it is up to you and the Escort/Companion as to what happens during that time, and this must be with her consent as well as yours. Any requests for a refund because you believed a certain service has not been fulfilled will not be acceptable to us or the Escort (see Failure To Comply below).

The Nature of Pink Ladies Escort/Companion Appointments

Please make sure to also re-read the section above on 'The Pink Ladies Escort/Companion Service' in conjunction with this section.

Appointments are either for:

- a sole client with one Escort
- a sole client with two Escorts (in the case of Duo appointments*)
- a couple (male-female, male-male or female-female) with one Escort
- a couple (male-female, male-male or female-female) with two Escorts*

Incall Appointments will take place at a safe and discrete pre-allocated location, which may be the Escorts own premises or an alternative more suitable location. Incall appointments may include an intimate dinner date, watching a movie or TV, sharing conversation or other such activity. The client must disclose the nature of the appointment at the time of booking.

Outcall Appointments may take place outdoors, or at a public venue, such as a social gathering, restaurant etc. Again, the client must disclose the nature of the appointment, and also the exact location(s) the appointment will be taking place, at the time of booking.

* only with Escorts who have indicated they accept Duo appointments.

only with Escorts who have indicated they accept Couple appointments.

†† sometimes girls may disclose some of their personal likes and dislikes within their profiles. These should not be taken as an offer of some kind of implied 'extra service'. If a girl likes and trusts you what happens on a personal level between you remains solely between you both, and always at the discretion of and full agreement with the girl.

Bookings for Duo and Couple appointments MUST BE discussed and agreed with us and we must agree the details with the Escort(s) involved, prior to confirming the appointment.

Any other combination or ratio of Escort(s) to client(s) MUST BE discussed and agreed with us and we must agree the details with the Escort(s) involved, prior to confirming the appointment.

Failure To Comply

If none of the above is clear to you then you are probably not the right client for our girls. You will expect certain standards from Pink Ladies Escorts and the girls, and in turn we expect certain standards from our clients.

Failure to follow the points outlined above will result in the immediate termination of the appointment and no refund will be due or issued by either Pink Ladies Escorts or the Escort(s)/Companion(s) - this is non-negotiable as the girl(s) wasted time and loss of a potentially legitimate appointment will still need to be paid for by you.

Website Usage Terms

In entering and browsing our website, contacting us, booking an appointment and meeting with any of our Escorts, whether as a client or otherwise, you implicitly agree that you are of legal age, as determined by English Law in the UK (18 years of age and over).

No information on this website may be reproduced or disseminated in any way without written permission from the owners of this website.

Any images and photos displayed on the Pink Ladies Escorts website are directly owned by Pink Ladies Escorts. These images are copyrighted and remain the ownership of Pink Ladies Escorts. Copying of the pictures or reproduction of this site in any format whatsoever is completely forbidden.

Face pictures of the girls are not and will not be available to any person for any reason. And, to protect the privacy and identities of our Escorts, and where an Escort has specifically requested, faces and any personally identifying marks or adornments have been pixelated, blurred or removed.

If you do not fully agree to all these terms, please leave this website immediately.


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